The CITIUS X-ray detector system employs an integral method to measure the signal charge converted from X-ray photons.

Saturation Count Rate

As a performance index, the maximum number of X-ray photons, called the saturation count rate, can be measured in one second. For CITIUS X-ray detector systems, the saturation count rate is inversely proportional to photon energy.

 The CITIUS X-ray detector system achieves 600 Mcps at 12 keV. The high count rate makes it possible to upgrade existing experiments. It is expected to be used in new experimental methods for high-brightness light sources.

High Frame Rate

The frame rate in an image sensor is defined as the number of images per second. The higher the speed, the higher the time resolution, and the faster the change in the object that can be recorded.

CITIUS is a hybrid pixel CMOS image sensor performing charge integration. It can accurately record the amount of signal while operating at high speed. Furthermore, the maximum amount of signal for each frame is as large as 1800 photons/frame, enabling a detailed analysis on a frame-by-frame basis at high speed.

Electro-optical Performance

Sensor materialSilicon (Si)
ArchitectureIntegrating pixel, fast frame readout
Sensor Thickness650 μm
Nominal Quantum Efficiency100 % @ 6 keV
94 % @ 12 keV
47 % @ 20 keV [1]
Pixel Size72.6 μm x 72.6 μm
Format384 x 728 = 279,552 pixels
Image area27.88 mm x 52.85 mm
Noise60 e- rms.(equivalent to 0.018 photons @ 12 keV)
Peak Signal1,800 photons/pixel/frame @ 12 keV
Saturation Count Rate30 Mcps/pixel @ 12 keV
600 Mcps/pixel @ 12 keV
Max Frame Rate17.4 kHz
Energy Range5 – 30 keV
(1.5 - 5 keV operation is possible. Please contact us)

[1] B.L. Henke,, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables Vol. 54 (no.2), 181-342 (July 1993).